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Albert Pepermans
Stolen Moments

About ten years ago, Albert Pepermans began unconventionally using photography, far from that of a classic photographer. The ongoing series Journal Brut started in 2013, born from another unorthodox approach to photography. The title is taken from the stories, an experimental journal of the same name by writer Ivo Michiels. Albert Pepermans starts with clichés that he captures, mainly of ordinary things he sees during travels, whether near or far: the airplane screen on the passenger seat in front of him. He often chooses a fragment of a photo, which he then transposes into black and white. The photos are printed on Plexiglas, and a rudimentarily painted canvas with acrylic paint is applied beneath this transparent support. He uses different shades for each work in the form of monochrome. The paint on the canvas charges the work with varied colours and energies. Together, the images form an experimental journal: spontaneous, raw, and unpolished, but not without control, and meticulously crafted..

Opening Photo Brussels Festival:
Open Sunday: